I’ve finally been accepted!

HELLO. Guess what? I got a placement! It’s only in a local hospital, and I don’t get paid *cries forever as I have deep attachment issues to money*, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve become a successful human, I’ve finally become accepted.

I’ll be in the Blood Sciences Lab, testing for blood types and Malaria, looking at all the chilly bags of blooooood in the fridge (my blood type, O-, has it’s own fridge; how fancy!), and basically being a laboratory slave for free for a year. But working in the NHS is such a fantastic opportunity and I couldn’t be more pleased. Plus that means mine and my boyfriend’s uni timelines are back on track (another positive, but don’t tell my mum this is one of the biggest plus points…).

It’s nice to feel accepted, isn’t it? Getting that phone call and hearing “Congratulations” is such an uplifting feeling. Making people proud; it’s what I live for.

I’ve had such an emotional 3 months. I haven’t stopped thinking about being rejected once, and have often gone into crying hysterics about being left behind. If there was a big ol’ sign telling me to stop being so bloody dramatic, this was definitely it.

I’m (semi) successful! Move over, Blood Girl is here. See; good things can happen. I’m movin’ on up.


Keep singing x

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